Market Hotspot Express- Nov 4 to Nov 8
1. Ferrosilicon export prices at Chinese ports on November 8FeSi75-B (72#) export price FOB Tianjin Port 1160-1190 USD/tonFeSi75-A (75#) export price FOB Tianjin Port 1260-1290 USD/ton2. India's silicomanganese export quotations fell week-on-weekOn November 4, 2024, the FOB price of silicomangan...
2024-11-08 Page View(721)
Market Hotspot Express-August 4th to 6th
European marketEuropean silicomanganese (65%Mn; 16-17%Si) is quoted in the range of 1100-1170€/tDDP, compared to 1200-1250€/tDDP a week ago. High carbon ferromanganese (75%Mn) is quoted at 1130-1180€/tDDP (previously 1200-1250€/tDDP). Ferrosilicon (75%Si) prices also continue to fall, with quotes in...
2024-08-06 Page View(1195)
South Africa's Melafi Group announced that its total ferrochrome production in the first half of 2024 was 154,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 17%.
US/美国 美联储宣布维持基准利率在5.25%至5.5%之间不变,美国联邦储备委员会7月31日宣布,将联邦基金利率目标区间维持在5.25%至5.5%之间不变 The Federal Reserve announced that it would maintain the benchmark interest rate between 5.25% and 5.5%. The Federal Reserve announced on July 31 that it would maintain the target range of the fede...
2024-08-01 Page View(1369)
There is little business activity in the European SiMn and FeSi markets
EUR/欧洲欧洲硅锰与硅铁市场几乎没有商业活动/There is little business activity in the European SiMn and FeSi markets欧洲硅锰与硅铁市场几乎没有商业活动,随着大多数铁合金消费者在未来几周内停产以进行维护工作,许多铁合金供应商已经离开市场,而剩下的供应商甚至发现很难提供指示性合金报价,因为几乎完全缺乏询盘。There is little business activity in the European SiMn and FeSi markets, with most ferroalloy consumers shuttin...
2024-07-23 Page View(1316)
Eurozone economy to be at 'clear stagnation' for remainder of 2023
EUR/欧洲阿尔巴尼亚高碳铬铁生产商GSA二季度减产/Albanian high-carbon ferrochrome producer GSA cuts production in second quarter 阿尔巴尼亚高碳铬铁生产商GSA已关闭其老化的1号炉进行翻新工作, 预计到2024年第二季度,铬铁生产量将减少2万吨。 Albanian high-carbon ferrochrome producer GSA has shut down its aging No. 1 furnace for renovation work and expects to red...
2023-10-17 Page View(2970)
Prices in the European ferrotitanium market have increased
EURO/欧洲:欧洲钛铁市场价格上涨/Prices in the European ferrotitanium market have increased欧洲钛铁市场价格上涨,最近一周内欧洲钛铁70%min供应商上调价格。目前,欧洲钛铁70%min的主流价格上涨至5.7-5.9美元/公斤钛鹿特丹仓交,较上周初价格上涨0.1美元/公斤钛。Prices in the European ferrotitanium market have increased. In the past week, 70% of European ferrotitanium suppliers have raised p...
2023-09-28 Page View(2771)
Ferrosilicon 75 FOB price 1,330-1,360 US dollars / ton
日本/Japan:日本大纪(Daiki)上周五共采购近3,000吨金属硅5-5-3/Japan Daiki purchased nearly 3,000 tons of silicon metal 5-5-3 last Friday大纪日本金属硅采购定价日本大纪(Daiki) 上周五共采购近3,000吨金属硅5-5-3, 从中国采购价格金属硅锁定在1.750-1.770美元/吨日本到岸。Daiki purchase price of silicon metal in Japan Daiki purchased nearly 3,000 tons of silicon metal 5-5-3 l...
2023-09-06 Page View(2833)
Tsingshan raises $41/t tender price for September ferrochrome .
Europe/欧洲:铬铁需求回升,但不明显。Ferrochromium demand picks up, but not significantly.欧洲高碳铬铁价格因卖方报价上涨而上涨,而最终用户在夏季维护停产后已逐渐开始返回现货市场。Fastmarkets 对欧洲交付的 0.10% C 铬铁(平均含铬量为 65-70% Cr)的每两周价格评估为每磅铬 2.303.15 美元。European high-carbon ferrochromium prices rose on higher offers from sellers, while end-users have gradually ...
2023-08-31 Page View(2888)
High-carbon ferrochromium market remains strong and looks forward to rising sentiment
US/美国CME"美联储观察”:美联储9月维持利率在5.25%-5.50%不变的概率为86.0%,加息25个基点至5.50%-5.75%区间的概率为14.0%:到11月维持利率不变的概率为57.4%,累计加息25个基点的概率为38.0%,累计加息50个基点的概率为4.7%。CME "Fed Watch": The probability that the Fed will keep interest rates unchanged at 5.25%-5.50% in September is 86.0%, and the probability of raisin...
2023-08-22 Page View(2819)
South Korea's import price of silicon metal rose slightly
US/美国:新美联储通讯社:通胀降温为美联储9月暂停加息敞开大门/New Fed News: Cooling inflation leaves door open for Fed to pause rate hikes in September新美联储通讯社:通胀降温为美联储9月暂停加息敞开大门,美联储通讯社"之称的记者Nick Timiraos等人在美国CPI数据发布后撰文称,美国7月份物价压力继续降温,这可能会阻止美联储在9月份继续加息。New Fed News: Cooling Inflation Opens the Door for the Fed to Pause Rate...
2023-08-15 Page View(2983)
The probability that the Fed will keep interest rates unchanged in September is 85.5%
US:The probability that the Fed will keep interest rates unchanged in September is 85.5%The probability of the Fed keeping interest rates unchanged in September is 85.5% CME "Fed Watch": The probability of the Fed maintaining interest rates at 5.25%-5.50% in September is 85.5%.Mo:The inter...
2023-08-08 Page View(2837)
EU banned chrome-plated material/ UG2/MG chrome ore price firm
EU banned chrome-plated materialThe European Union has proposed plansto ban chrome-plated materials from 2024 for health reasons because they relese toxic substances during productionCurrent technologies in this field cannot completely elnate environmental pollution and are not safe for public healt...
2023-08-01 Page View(2930)